Sagalicha Dhiigicha Hafuuricha

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The Word the Blood the Spirit



The Goal

Don't tell me that you are not interested in joy, peace, hope, or security. You cannot deny the fact that you need to be loved, cared for or want to see your siginifcance. All these can be expressed as "the glory of your faith".

Most of us think that having a religion, money, fame, or friends are the goal of our lives. However, in reality, these are only the meanses we are trying to use to attain our desperetly sought inner desire. Had they been the goal of our lives, most religious people, rich or famous people [ who have already attained them] would not have got involved in commiting various forms of crimes, develish acts, or scandals.

I don't mean that we cannot acheive the 'goal of our faith'. We can certainly met it, but that is only possible when we start to realize the geniunity of our faith to help us get our goal.

Peter states that the goal of our faith is the salvaiton -safety and security of our souls(1 Pet:9).

This goal is obtained when one puts his/her fiath in the Lord Jesus Christ and have a true felloship with God through the mercy that he/she can obtain through Christ! Because Christ is the way, the truth and the Life (Jhon 14:6).


Waaqayyo isin haa eebbisu!


Fuula kana daawwachuu keessaniif galatoomaa!



yaada ykn gaaffii yoo qabaattan nu qunnamaa:


Takiluu T. Guutaa


E-mail: [email protected]




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