Angels Among Us – Spreading Love and Light

Last Sunday in the Springburn AOG church, I found myself captivated by the repeated mention of two extraordinary names – Sharon and Adrian.

As their names, (after the name of our precious God and His Son Jesus Christ,) continued to be mentioned in the testimony, it became apparent that these two individuals are nothing short of amazing angels, sent to bless countless homes and lives with their presence. Their roles extend beyond mere individuals; they are gleam of cheer, encouragement, guidance, and continued support.

I am privileged to count myself among those who have had the honor of crossing paths and sharing lives with these remarkable souls. Spending time with Sharon and Adrian is an experience that leaves a lasting impression. Their ability to lend a listening ear, to be present in the moment, and to share their wisdom is a witness to their remarkable character.

Overflowing with love, care, and compassion, Sharon and Adrian’s actions speak volumes about the depth of their hearts. Their love for the LORD is not confined to words; it’s evident in their actions, their kindness, and their dedication to making the world a better place.

In times of need, Sharon and Adrian continue to serve as a source of inspiration and strength. Their strong faith and commitment to helping others are qualities that truly set them apart. As they navigate their own challenges, their resilience and grace shine brightly, reminding us all of the power of faith and perseverance.

May the Lord’s blessings continue to pour upon Sharon and Adrian, guiding them through every step of their journey. May they find comfort in His presence and strength in His love. May their lives be filled with abundance, joy, and good health.

As I reflect upon the impact of Sharon and Adrian, let their story serve as a reminder that even amidst the chaos of life, there are individuals who embody the true essence of compassion and selflessness. Their actions resonate as a gleam of hope, encouraging us to embrace the same spirit of love and kindness in our own lives. Just as they have touched the hearts of many, may we too find inspiration in their example and strive to make a positive difference in the lives of those around us.

In closing this reflection, let us praise the loving and caring God for the gift of Sharon and Adrian – angels among us, spreading love and light wherever they go. May their life and journey be blessed with continued grace, fulfillment, and the profound impact they have on the lives they touch.

More to read here 

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